Integrative Rumination

Online Courses

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Dr. Ohiro Oni-Eseleh
How to Cope with Depression
15 easy title motion graphics techniques
By: John Doe
Software & Hardware
How to improve software & hardware performance
By: John Doe
Data Science
Applied Data Science with lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
By: John Doe
How do we increase sales quickly and what are the risks?
By: John Doe
Web Developemnt
Speed up website performance for large companies
By: John Doe
Keyword Research Techniques and Tools
By: John Doe



Dr. Ohiro Oni-Eseleh discusses what anxiety is and shares professional ideas on how to attain a healthy self-esteem.

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Dr. Ohiro Oni-Eseleh speaks on:

Handling Failure/Disappointment

We often get discouraged when something bad happens. Sometimes it feels as if the world is crashing on us and there is nothing left to live for. But there are lessons we can learn from every failure or disappointment.


When Hope Fails

In this video, Dr. Ohiro Oni Eseleh presents 4 effective ways for coping when hope fails. In the process, he emphasizes the value of optimism.

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